
Presentations at international conferences (poster/oral)

  1. Arima Y. Vega A, Ikemoto S. Operant Self-Administration of Oral Nicotine in Mice. 62nd annual meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 2023 (poster)
  2. Arima Y. Supramammillary projections to the lateral preoptic area are inhibited by reward and activated by salient stimuli, while their activation is rewarding.  Neuroscience 2023, Washington, D.C., USA, November 2023 (Minisymposium)
  3. Arima Y, Ikemoto S.  Paradoxical findings concerning behavioral function of supramammillary neurons projecting to the lateral preoptic area. Neuroscience 2023, Washington, D.C., USA, November 2023 (poster)
  4. Arima Y, Ikemoto S. Supramammillary neurons projecting to the lateral preoptic area modulate reward-seeking behavior. Neuroscience 2022, San Diego, USA, November 2022 (poster)
  5. Arima Y, Gibbons J, Mendoza J, Ikemoto S. Supramammillary neurons projecting to the lateral preoptic area modulate reward-seek. 2022 Neurobiology of Drug Addiction GRS and GRC, Maine, USA, August 13-19 2022 (poster)
  6. Arima Y, Gibbons J, Mendoza J, Ikemoto S. Supramammillary circuit in reward-and nicotine-seeking behavior. BNRB & INRB joint Symposium(NIDA), Virtual, June 6, 2022 (oral)
  7. Arima Y, Gibbons J, Ikemoto S. Expression of Nicotinic Receptors on Supramammillary Neurons Projecting to the Medial Septum. EPBS-CANBIND Workshop 2021, Virtual, March 6, 2021 (oral)
  8. Arima Y, Yokota S, Fujitani M. Lateral parabrachial neurons innervate arousal-promoting regions in the rat brainstem via orexin neurons in the hypothalamus. Neuroscience 2018, San Diego, USA, November 2018. (poster)
  9. Arima Y, Namera A, Murata K, Yoshimoto K, Nagao A. A sarin–like organophosphate induced noncholinergic cell death via inflammation response in SK-N-SH cells. Neuroscience 2015, Chicago, USA, October 2015. (poster)
  10. Arima Y, Yoshiko Y, Namera A, Nagao M. D-Aspartic acid, but not L-Aspartic acid, modulates osteoblast marker gene expression in MC3T3E-1 osteoblasts, The 2nd International Conference of D-Amino Acid Research (IDAR 2014), Tochigi, Japan, September 2014. (poster)
  11. Arima Y, Namera A, Fukuda S, Shiraishi H, Nagao M. Comparative Evaluation of Triage TOX and Triage DOA Using Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, 9th International Symposium on Advances in Legal Medicine (ISALM), Fukuoka, Japan, June 2014. (poster)


Presentations in Japan (except international conferences)

  1. 有馬陽介、横田茂文、藤谷昌司、ラット外側結合腕傍核は脳幹覚醒調節領域へ投射する視床下部オレキシン産生ニューロンを支配する、 第74回中国・四国支部学術集会、Shimane, October, 2019. (oral)
  2. Arima Y, Yokota S, Fujitani M, Lateral parabrachial neurons innervate orexin neurons projecting to brainstem arousal areas in the rat. The 124th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Assotiation of Anatomies, Niigata, March 2019, (poster)
  3. Arima Y, Yokota S, Fujitani M, Lateral parabrachial neurons innervate orexin-containing hypothalamic neurons projecting to the ventral tegmental area and dorsal raphe in the rat. The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Kobe, July 2018. (poster)
  4. Arima Y, Yokota S,  Lateral parabrachial neurons innervate orexin-containing hypothalamic neurons projecting to the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphe in the rat. The 123th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Assotiation of Anatomies, Tokyo, March 2018, (poster)
  5. 有馬陽介、横田茂文、ラット外側結合腕傍核は背側縫線核へ投射する視床下部オレキシン産生ニューロンを支配する、 第72回中国・四国支部学術集会、Hiroshima, October, 2017. (oral)
  6. Arima Y, Yokota S, Asano H, Yasui Y. Lateral parabrachial neurons innervate orexin-containing hypothalamic neurons projecting to the locus coeruleus in the rat. The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Chiba, July 2017. (poster)
  7. 有馬陽介, 吉子裕二, 奈女良昭, 村田和大,吉本寛司,長尾正崇、D-アスパラギン酸の骨芽細胞に対する影響、The 100th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine, Tokyo, June 2016. (poster)
  8. Arima Y, Saito A, Yoshimoto K, Namera A, Makita R, Murata K, Imaizumi K, Nagao M. The sarin-like organophosphorus agent bis(isopropyl methyl) phosphonate induces ER stress and apoptosis in human astrocytoma cells. The 100th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine, Tokyo, June 2016. (poster)
  9. 有馬陽介, 吉子裕二, 奈女良昭, 村田和大,吉本寛司,長尾正崇、 D-アスパラギン酸の骨芽細胞に対する影響, BMB2015 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Kobe, Decomber, 2015. (poster)
  10. 有馬陽介, 吉子裕二, 奈女良昭,村田和大,吉本寛司,長尾正崇、 D-アスパラギン酸の骨芽細胞株MC3T3E-1細胞に対する影響, 第11回D-アミノ酸学会学術講演会, Niigata, August, 2015. (oral)
  11. Arima Y, Yoshimoto K, Namera A, Nagao M. The sarin-like nerve agent BIMP induces apoptosis and inflammatory responses in SK-N-SH cells. The 99th Congress of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine, Kochi, June 2015.(poster)

Invited Lecture

  1. How to study the neurobiology of motivated behavior. Cell & Molecular Biology at Saint Joseph’s University (Dr. Taishuke Izumi)